One Galaxy

Project area is located in front of existing GALAXY MALL 1 & 2 Surabaya separated with double ways main road (Merr Ir Soekarno) and also some luxury residential buildings. The total area of the project is around 4 HA where 2 towers of 50 floors and premium office towers with a new Mall Galaxy underneath will be constructed on this plan area totaly 1440 points of piles required to support the structures. Piles having diameters of 600 mm and 800 mm were used to support the structures.

        It was worried that the installation of so many piles will damage the surrounding buildings, therefore the piles were designed as friction piles with open shoes combined with predrilling a diameter closed to the diameter of installed piles at every pile points. For further protection, a line of vertical drains were installed at every 3m along the boundary of the project to cut off the excess porewater pressure.



        After the pile installation completed, the excavation was then carry out down to-8.00 showing the exposed pile head.




        Strutted beams were used to support the position of soldier pile walls during excavation process.









        The completed wall was the plastered for completion.